Aminath Dhyba Imthiyaz posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
mohamed mohamud posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
Please be informed that we are unable to provide you with an exact time-frame for the completion of the travel authorization application process. Kindly note that there are multiple levels of processing involved to approve the travel request by students. The decision to issue the travel approval letter is solely at the discretion of the…[Read more]
Wasila lawal gadanya posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
I plan to return to Malaysia next week. I obtained travel authorisation through EMGS since February this year. However, I came across another new requirement which is Mytravelpass (MTP) to be approved by immigration department of malaysia just like the way travel authorisation is approved by them. Is there any difference between Travel…[Read more]-
Malaysian Embassy in my country requested me to have the same thing.. when I ask for the difference I was replied that both travel authorization and My Travel Pass are different things and MTP is also obligatory for getting student visa. I applied for that document by mtp.imi but process is too slow almost 3 weeks and still in progress..
Are you a new student or a returning student
Thanks. Talha Unal under which category did you apply for the MTP? Permanent resident, social visit, Malaysia my second home, which Malaysian embassy in my country informed me that they do not know about MTP. I think EMGS should clarify this. Is Travel authorisation obtained through EMGS enough for international students or do we (students) also…[Read more]
I have been informed that if I have Travel Authorization Letter, we do not need My Travel Pass.. they admit their misleading information so Travel Authorization Letter enough to get into Malaysia with EVAL.. It is already so obvious that there is no category for foreign students there. And I got rejected after 3 weeks. So do not apply for MTP if…[Read more]
We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
WorldBest Legends posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
I am student in city Unversity of Malaysia. I wan to go to Malaysia on june. My visa everything done. I saw emgs rules. And i appreciate all rules but qurantine fee is huge amount for students. i have questions to emgs.
It is wrong to think that most of the rich students go abroad to study. This isn’t right thought. 4700 RM is huge fee for…[Read more]-
Hi I’m be with u, lets fighting to reduce the cost!!..
We understand your predicament. However, the quarantine is determined by the relevant government agencies.
Have a nice day.
Where can you help us but try to make as much profit as you can but it is not right, in this situation everyone in the world is in danger and it should be considered as safe and low cost travel as possible
But i know, what i say or doing.. Nothing happen..😪
ubee g posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
for me its only 2 weeks
From 50% to 100% is it take 2 week?
Hi, i applied mine on 14th April and its still not approved, still waiting at the immigration department huhu
Please be informed that we are unable to provide you with an exact time-frame for the completion of the travel authorization application process. Kindly note that there are multiple levels of processing involved to approve the travel request by students. The decision to issue the travel approval letter is solely at the discretion of the…[Read more]
Atiqur Shabuj posted an update 3 years, 10 months ago
Md Enamul Islam posted an update 4 years ago
We understand the health concern of Malaysian Government. But the issue is as per latest SOP international students ( except UK) can enter Malaysia. You do not accept Travel authorisation application without air ticket. Students have to buy air ticket and apply for Travel authorisation. Now you say immigration Department suspended VAL…[Read more]
How to check the percentage ?? I have applied from 2 previous week.. i wonder when will it finished
you can go to https://visa.educationmalaysia.gov.my/emgs/application/searchForm/
Hi Yvonne, I’m still stuck at 50% just like yours so I can’t say much.
Hi Syam, thanks for your reply. Hopefully we’ll get it done by this week.
Hi Yvonne, just to update you that I got mine last night. It took exactly 14 working days with the immigration department. That might gives you the idea when yours will be ready.