Muhammad Hassan posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
@nimra Aoa, Nimra Khan
Since you’ve applied to APU like i did can you please tell how long it took APU to forward your documents to EMGS? My consultant emailed all the documents on 21st of august to the APU visa department now ca you tell me how long they’ll take to get me registered into EMGS and additionally can you tell me after the submission of your documents to EMGS by APU how long it will take us to get the VAL?
It will take around 2-3 weeks to get val
It took them 1 day to forward my documents to EMGS don’t worry u will get your VAL in 2-3 weeks after eid
Uh but I haven’t got myself registered with EMGS as my university hasn’t updated my information and everything. In your case APU submitted your documents the very next day but i have given them everything by 21st of august and still not registered into EMGS. I’m Worried 😔
If you don’t mind only If you’re comfortable with it can you please contact me on Facebook? As i’ve to ask many questions since your application status is 70%
Ma Sha Allah.
https://m.facebook.com/guju123= Facebook
m.me/guju123= messenger
It’ll be really appreciated if you’ll answer my queries