Special pass needs exactly 3 working days and since your university have already collected your passport then don’t think about it, it’s totally under their responsbility.
It hapened to me once when i submitted my passport late “2 working days before my visa expired” so they asked me to pay 1100 rm as an overstay fees and they collected them with thevpassport together 🙁
Hi Mahmoud tanks for the information. But my Institution haven’t collect my passport yet for the special pass they just sent me the screenshot of application for the EXTENSION OF VISIT PASS? Is it different from SPECIAL PASS? I’m just a bit worried because my visa will expire soon exactly 2 days and it is holiday so I think I can’t make it and need to for exit?
Special pass needs exactly 3 working days and since your university have already collected your passport then don’t think about it, it’s totally under their responsbility.
It hapened to me once when i submitted my passport late “2 working days before my visa expired” so they asked me to pay 1100 rm as an overstay fees and they collected them with thevpassport together 🙁
But that’s all .. no problems at all ^_^
Hi Mahmoud tanks for the information. But my Institution haven’t collect my passport yet for the special pass they just sent me the screenshot of application for the EXTENSION OF VISIT PASS? Is it different from SPECIAL PASS? I’m just a bit worried because my visa will expire soon exactly 2 days and it is holiday so I think I can’t make it and need to for exit?