
  • Mohammed Kadhim posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    @jahan Is it possible that the reason for rejection is final? What are the reasons for the final rejection?

    • In my opinion Rejections are final only if your documents are doubtful or serious Medical issue. Otherwise there are lot of reasons e.g.
      1. Passport is Expiry is less than 18 Months.
      2. Not submitted the complete passport( my reason was this).
      3. Need some verification on Academic documents like attestation. Etc

    • I went back to my country and passport renewed all the documents and complete the passport with all the pages?

    • I changed the university from UPM to UKM but I never got up in UPM and moved to UKM I lasted a whole month after they told me I can not give you a VDR I have to renew the passport I went back to my country and worked renewing my passport

      • Did you applied for VAL previously for UPM? If you didnt then I thinking Chaning Institute do not matter. Otherwise Immigration need release letter from previous uni.

    • I brought them a of withdrawal letter and a of release letter and submitted it to them. But I don’t know why I was rejected!!!

    • Did you pay fee to your Institute? I suppose it depends on your Institute how quickly they forward your documents and fee.

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