moeez asad posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
Hello I gave all the documents and payment to my university but my application is on 0% What should i do ?
How long has it been since you have made payment ?
I made payment on 12th of January
Inform your university , call or email . It should show up on emgs within 1-4 working days. Ask your university if they have made payment already .
The same question as Aqib asked. Allow for fove working days FROM the date on which YOUR UNIVERSITY sent the payment proof to emgs.
Check if your university sends a payment proof to emgs. Your application cannot take off without this.
or Create an account
How long has it been since you have made payment ?
I made payment on 12th of January
Inform your university , call or email . It should show up on emgs within 1-4 working days. Ask your university if they have made payment already .
The same question as Aqib asked. Allow for fove working days FROM the date on which YOUR UNIVERSITY sent the payment proof to emgs.
Check if your university sends a payment proof to emgs. Your application cannot take off without this.