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Active 6 years, 5 months ago
Hi this is Modabbir Adeeb. I have applied for my student visa to study in UNMC. And it’s stuck on 30% . My univeristy says there are issues going on with the ministry so it will take time. My class also started. Please update on the problem and let me know what’s the issue View
Which university?
U r UKM?
Yes i am. I arrived malaysia two weeks ago
Nice, can I ask about the registration, you think will they accept me if I came after 7 October?
Hm i’m not sure. I think you need to contact the staff of international relation centre of ukm
Aha ok thanks isyeu
Good luck
Hi sidrat,are u from Bangladesh?
Hey! Yeah I m from Bangladesh.
Thanks for your assistance! I’ll email you my details immediately.
But I can’t email you.
The link doesn’t work
Its not a link, its an email address
Copy the email address typical just replace (at) by @
That’s it
Hope this was understandable
Ok thanks
Hey sidratul. Did you get your VAL yet? I’m going to Nottingham too
Hey! No I didn’t it’s still 15% . Wby?
I m going for foundation in engineering. Wby?
I’m going for Mechanical engineering for 4 years
Nop. Mine is 30% but in yellow
Oh. Mine is 15% 😕
Oh. What is the university telling about this?
Nothing much just said the proceedings is going on. What did they say about yours?
They told there are some issues with the ministry and university which will take time to resolve. And they cant assure when my VAL will come.