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Active 6 years, 5 months ago
Hi EMGS my name MOHD ABDUL MAJEED plz some give me updates my status is 70 4monthe ago how many days than 100 so plz help me View
Amna Alfarah Alonto posted an update 7 years ago
Hello, my application is now with the Immigration Department for VAL Approval. I know that it will take at least 7 days before the VAL gets approved. I just want to know if there is a possibility that it will get approved at an earlier date because I saw a post from here that it just took 3 days for him to get his VAL approved in the immigration…[Read more]
Okay. Thanks for the info.
I understand. Will just hope for the best. Thank you.
Taylor’s University? @amna-alfarah
Sunway Uni, @Muhammad-Nibras