J1y0017 S0179 posted an update 2 years, 4 months ago
Hello, may I ask does anyone had same situation with me? -I’m in my home country -My student pass expired And I have asked for the renewing student visa to school and they told me to get SEV to enter Malaysia and renew the visa at school. However, currently I have no eVal(all expired) so I don’t know how to apply for SEV
What should I do .? And how long does EMGS takes to repply back the email these days?
same situation, i think we have to wait for our VAL, then apply to SEV.
I’m literally in the same situation like you. I contacted EMGS, and they told me they don’t issue a new Val for existing students
Similar situation with me few month ago, they said VAL and nly issued one time for new student. So i went to Embassy, talk to the officer and show them my communication with EMGS. That’s how i finally got SEV and return to Malaysia
I asked ny campus about this problem since I cant apply for SEV without VAL. Just show the embassy your EMGS progress and they’ll start your SEV.
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same situation, i think we have to wait for our VAL, then apply to SEV.
I’m literally in the same situation like you. I contacted EMGS, and they told me they don’t issue a new Val for existing students
Similar situation with me few month ago, they said VAL and nly issued one time for new student. So i went to Embassy, talk to the officer and show them my communication with EMGS. That’s how i finally got SEV and return to Malaysia
I asked ny campus about this problem since I cant apply for SEV without VAL. Just show the embassy your EMGS progress and they’ll start your SEV.