@ifrah.. As u got approval for home quarantine so just want to know if u have the tenancy agreement or any such documents that u got appoval? I have tenancy agreement that has been expired in June 2021 but the apartment still belongs to me n i have rented out one of the room while i still have the master room having attach bathroom. Want to know…[Read more]
I didn’t upload any such things, only passport vaccination certificate and travel authorisation letter. I just filled in the form for place’s address and about people and rooms in the house. Nothing else is required. The place where I would be staying is not under my name and they didn’t ask for it
I got it within few hours. But max it takes 3 working days
@ifrah.. As u got approval for home quarantine so just want to know if u have the tenancy agreement or any such documents that u got appoval? I have tenancy agreement that has been expired in June 2021 but the apartment still belongs to me n i have rented out one of the room while i still have the master room having attach bathroom. Want to know…[Read more]
I didn’t upload any such things, only passport vaccination certificate and travel authorisation letter. I just filled in the form for place’s address and about people and rooms in the house. Nothing else is required. The place where I would be staying is not under my name and they didn’t ask for it