Active 7 years ago-
Muhammad Fatwa posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Muhammad Fatwa posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Muhammad Fatwa posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Muhammad Fatwa posted an update 7 years ago
My university to exchange is UTeM, and the school will start tomorrow at 5th February. And I have been waiting for my document to be processed by Malaysia side. And it takes tooooo long. It’s really disappointing to be honest. Can anyone explain my document processed by EMGS is so long? Please. It’s really stressful, cause it directly involves my…[Read more]
Yeah dude. Why?
Ambil jurusan apa bro? S1 atau S2?
Your name sounds sulawesian bro. Aku exchange ke UTeM, disana nama jurusannya aku kurang tahu apa, tpi di Indo aku jurusan International Business Management. Klu anda?
Btw for convenient chatting platform can you please find on whatsapp +#########9873
Muhammad Fatwa posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Ambil jurusan apa bro? S1 atau S2?
Your name sounds sulawesian bro. Aku exchange ke UTeM, disana nama jurusannya aku kurang tahu apa, tpi di Indo aku jurusan International Business Management. Klu anda?
Btw for convenient chatting platform can you please find on whatsapp +#########9873