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Active 4 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I received my passport with student visa..but the duration is only 3 months, why is that so ? View
Faisal Dakhil Babylon posted a new activity comment 4 years, 11 months ago
Faisal Dakhil Babylon posted an update 5 years ago
Congratulations on the val. Get your SEV from the embassy and travel to Malaysia.
Hi Faisal,
We are glad to hear that you have obtained your VAL. If you are from a country that requires SEV, kindly proceed to the Malaysian Embassy in your country to obtain the SEV. Once you have obtained the SEV, you may make your travel arrangement. Kindly ensure to notify your institution on your arrival.
Also how will I extend my visa ?
Hi Faisal,
We appreciate if you could write to us via email to enquiry(at) with your passport number in order for us to check your application details and advise you accordingly.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Have a nice day