Active 7 years, 5 months ago-
I just applied it today
3 september. Do you think it is ok if until now i still dont have a val?
@salma aulia, 3 weeks. You have time don’t worry. For which program are you going at UTM?
I am going at UTM. May I ask a question, please. I’ve recently applied for the Val and my application percentage is 5 percent, the remark written is: pending the submission of documents by your institution. Are these documents the same ones I applied with for UTM since I’ve already sent the documents by dhl to UTM (when I applied), so does thi…[Read more]
salma aulia posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
How long it took?
Are you from Indonesia?
Yaa😊 how about you?
Samaa!! Tapi aku UM, kamu VAL nya udah belum?
Belummm. Lagi perpanjang paspor:(
Berarti belum ngurus val?… emang nya masuk nya kapaan?
I have received the VAL through email for now, UTM is going to send me the VAL through courier service.
ashkan yeganeh posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
When should we be there to register for september semester?
Before the date on ur offer letter a week at least
when we arrive to malaysia , should we go to johor privately and personaly ?
Yes u should go there on your own
I defer my offer letter few months ago and i should come and register for september semester,so in my offer letter valid or i should request for new offer letter ?
Contact the university they will issue a new one with September regiteration dates
How long does it take to issue VDR ?
Hello askance yeganeh, I am also going to UTM Johor Bahru for engineering this September.
We will have to be there before 3rd September because 3rd September is our reception/registration date.-
Should all students be there before 1st september ? If we know the exact time we can schedule our trip
If I am not wrong all international students who got accepted at Johor Bahru campus will need to be there on 3rd September since that is the reception date. Refer to your offer letter and check the date
And it is advised to go there a few days before the reception date
Farhad , my offer letter was for februady , i defer my offer letter , so i should go september ?
Yes u can defer ur offer only for one semester, since u already deferred it once so u have to register in September
And in that case my offer letter is valid for registering in september ?
Since u have an offer letter the offer stays valid for 2 semesters u said u deferred the offer once so now u must contact the university for the new one with new dates for September, the question is, did u apply for the VAL?
I asked the university,they told me your offer letter is valid because you defer it just one time , but you say i should ask them to issue me a new offer letter for september ?
For second question,yes i fill out the application in emgs system but i didnt do my payment until now , i will do the payment after i get right answer about my offer letter-
Yes as I said it’s valid for 2 semesters and u can register with it. My advice to u is to apply for the VAL as soon as possible to be ready once u decide to travel here. The VAL is valid for 6 months so u can apply for It now
Thanks for your help , So i dont need new offer letter with new reception time ? Or i should go a few days before 1st september to utm with the offer they have issued me before?
U welcome bro, the offer stays valid, u worry too much
Contact the university next week and they will tell u the same.
Good luck bro
Mohammed AL-Hariri posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello Mohammed Al-Harir, I will be going to UTM Johor Bahru this September In Sha Allah.
First of all good luck,
I will also join utm this Septemper .
Maybe we thould took about it privately but i dont konw how to di that 🤔-
Do you have Facebook?
Where are you from farhad?
I will be join to utm (johor) this september , guys when should we exactly go to utm for register ?
We should be in Johor Bahru by 1st September, where are you from ashkan yeganeh?
I am from iran farhad,i am going to computer phd course in utm. 1st september is for all of the students ?
Oh ashkan yeganeh, I am going for Undergraduate programs so I am not really sure about post graduates. You should contact the university through email/phone.
ashkan yeganeh posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
ashkan yeganeh posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
I am here.
سلام خشایار جان ، ممنون بابت پاسخ
اگر امکان داره من رو راهنمایی کن ، من برای دانشگاه یو تی ام (جوهور) پذیرش داشتم و دیفر کردم برای سپتامبر ، الان میخوام اقدامات وی دی آر رو انجام بدم ، آیا من وقتی میرسم فرودگاه نماینده دانشگاه میاد دنبالم ؟ اصلا وی دی آر چقدر طول میکشه صادر بشه ؟-
سلام اگر پذیرشت هنوز ولید است که کافی یک ایمیل به دانشگاه بزنی و بگوی از دیفر منصرف شدی.
دانشگاه دولتی فکر نکنم بیان دونبالت ولی این هم می تونی از دانشگاه بپرسی
منظور شما از VDR همان VALاست-
اره خشایار جان همون VAL هست
نه از دیفر منصرف نشدم که ، بهمن ماه بود که دیفر کردم که گفتن شهریور بیام ، حالا باید درخواست بدم که شهریور میخوام بیام یا همینجوری معتبر هست ؟ -
خشایار جان من میتونم شماره شمارو داشته باشم که بصورت تلفنی چند دقیقه وقتتون رو بگیرم ؟
۲ ماه VAL طول می کشه
پس باید یک ایمیل بزنیبه دانشگاه و بگویی کهبا اینپذیرش من می خواهم در این تاریخ بیام تا آنها مورد را از pending خارج کنند -
لطفا ایمل آدرست را برام بگذار
ممنونم خشایار جان این محبتت رو جبران میکنم
Ausvienakrs yaah
Iyaaaa. @salma0704