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Active 7 years, 6 months ago
My application status is currently 80% and it is yellow. It say pending submission of the student’s passport. Am I suppose to wait until I go to malaysia or the host institution will take care everything for me? Thank you hope someone can explain to me regarding this matter. Thank you View
NURUL SITI FADILAH BINTI MD YUSOF posted a new activity comment 7 years, 7 months ago
NURUL SITI FADILAH BINTI MD YUSOF posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
Thank you.
Hy, your visa status now is the same as my visa status, it’s because the visa unit still doesn’t send your copy passport to the EMGS
I am not sure. I did send email to university where I am going to study. According to them, they are waiting for my Val letter to be issue and once I arrive at malaysia they will proceed with the passport matter.
Once you enter Malaysia with your SEV (if required) .. then your institution will get your medical test done and then submit your passport to EMGS