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Active 2 years, 5 months ago
Hello EMGS
I have made the payment to my school UMT/Kuala Terengganu the 26th of august but the payment seems to still be still pending on your side because I am at 5%. Can anyone tell me if this is normal ? Also, how long does it usually take for a french student to get the visa after the payment has gone through ?
Thanks for your time View
Eliot posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago
Hi pls send email to your institution requesting the payment approval. They will send the update & confirmation to emgs. Mine was updated within 1 day only.
This needs attention by the institution. It should have made the payment to emgs. Otherwise, your application with emgs will be stuck. Pick up the phone and talk immediately to your institution.
Hello Im french and I had the same problem. Im curious too to know how long it takes to french student to have a visa :))