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Active 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone!!!!
My visa will expire at 1st feb.
I already apply for my visa renewal and it’s 50% if I submit my passport to EMGS now when I will get my passport?
When my visa will be almost expire that time ? Or I will get in next few days? I mean will they wait for my visa to expire and stick the visa striker or they will just gimme the v […] View
Edward Lee Lucifer posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone!!!!
My visa will expire at 1st feb.
I already apply for my visa renewal and it’s 50% if I submit my passport to EMGS now when I will get my passport?
When my visa will be almost expire that time ? Or I will get in next few days? I mean will they wait for my visa to expire and stick the visa striker or they will just gimme the v…[Read more]
Tq so much bro…
Hi. What’s the next stage after being approved? Mine is also 38%
No idea bro..
The VAL is approved only to 75%, take that and have SEV and go to MSIA later after medical chk up u will get 100% visa