Have your received your VAL because usually before entering malaysia it would be only 70 percent but in your case I believe there is some need additional documents or something pending that’s the reason application closed.
No I haven’t received my Val but I have got Emgs when my application was 35% then my application become pending for more documents from my IPS then suddenly become 100%
So can I enter Malaysia as a student with my Emgs?
Have your received your VAL because usually before entering malaysia it would be only 70 percent but in your case I believe there is some need additional documents or something pending that’s the reason application closed.
How was getting 100% if there any requirement?
I told you that’s how usually it works . By the way have you received VAL
No I haven’t received my Val but I have got Emgs when my application was 35% then my application become pending for more documents from my IPS then suddenly become 100%
Then it is not completed contact your college and check for the status. Application has been closed due to non submission of documents