Boma Praisegod Ndukwu posted an update 4 years, 12 months ago
Boma Praisegod Ndukwu posted an update 5 years ago
Hi Boma,
We acknowledge the approval of your eVAL. However, the issuance of the SEV is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Embassy in your home country. As such, we advise that you refer directly to the Malaysian Embassy to seek further clarification on the reason for the rejection of your SEV application.
Have a nice day.
Boma Praisegod Ndukwu posted an update 5 years ago
I’m speaking from a broken heart and anger at the moment. If Malaysia embassy Nigeria doesn’t want us to study in their country, the should make it publicly known to us, and not allowing us get an offer, VAL, and all the difficult to get documents the request then at the end, refuse us SEV!😡 It’s really painful that after pending many things in…[Read more]
Hi Boma,
We acknowledge the approval of your eVAL. However, the issuance of the SEV is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Embassy in your home country. As such, we advise that you refer directly to the Malaysian Embassy to seek further clarification on the reason for the rejection of your SEV application.
Have a nice day.
Exactly …it’s so sad and annoying when I got my passport back unsuccessful after having approval and submitting with all complete original document ….that shit is so sadden and hurt…
Boma Praisegod Ndukwu posted an update 5 years ago
Boma Praisegod Ndukwu posted an update 5 years ago
Still on the matter of intentionally refusal of SEV to Nigerian students by the Malaysia embassy Nigeria.
The worse part of the whole thing is that theyjust return your passport with a little note stating that your application was unsuccessful with a reason for the refusal. All the original documents you submitted, they withheld them making it…[Read more]-
Why is this happening? If the val is granted, why should the sev be declined??
I would be happy if this question is directedto the Malaysia embassy in Nigeria. That consolar is just a demon in form a human being.
And it’s so hurt the institution neither the EMGS can do anything about this ….approval and offer is a waste
Can u add me up let’s talk. + six zero one six nine nine three six zero five zero
Hi Boma,
We acknowledge the approval of your eVAL. However, the issuance of the SEV is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Embassy in your home country. As such, we advise that you refer directly to the Malaysian Embassy to seek further clarification on the reason for the rejection of your SEV application.
Have a nice day.
Boma Praisegod Ndukwu posted an update 5 years ago
Sincerely, sorry to say, the EVAL is just like a useless documents to students coming from Nigeria. Because even when you have your EVAL and every other documents to get your SEV, they embassy here in Nigeria still refuses you. It’s so frustrating that after all the long processes in getting VAL, and other requirements to get your SEV in Nigeria,…[Read more]
Hi Boma,
We acknowledge the approval of your eVAL. However, the issuance of the SEV is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Embassy in your home country. As such, we advise that you refer directly to the Malaysian Embassy to seek further clarification on the reason for the rejection of your SEV application.
Have a nice day.