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Dickson posted an update 4 years ago
Are you from the 23 banned countries?
I dont think so, i am from Nigeria
Same thing bro am also from Nigeria. I applied for TA since 10th December and is still at 50 percent
Has ur visa expired before?
I am exactly in your situation. I applied for TA on 5th and emgs submitted to immigration on 10th Dec. it still stayed at 50%. I am not from the 23 banned countries
Hi Dickson,
We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
Just saw this now, i will email you right away
Dear Emgs, i just sent you email now, please i will appreciate your concern in this matter and i will for ypur response
did you contract EMGS or your institution and ask for the progression?
I just email emgs now cos i jst saw their response, how about you, have you email emgs too? Did you get any response from Emgs
Yes I did, they replied the decision to issue the travel approval letter is solely at the discretion of the Immigration Department.
Mohamed Mohamed posted an update 4 years ago
If no update in next few days, extend ur ticket date
You are from ???
Maldives. There are other students applied on the same date and flight on same date. This is nerve wrecking
We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist to check your application.
Have a nice day.
are there any updates on your application?
Not yet