Afolayan Beckky posted a new activity comment 3 years, 5 months ago
What if My house is not on my name but I live alone @Asma
@asma is it cumpulsory to provide proof of accomodation..Please dont confuse people.. I see many people that apply without proof of accomodation.. just full adress and Number of the household..
YASAR ARAFAT posted an update 4 years, 6 months ago
@asma have u registred ur self for online classes for semester 2021/021 starting fro 19 oct
Registration period will be started from 5 of October
It is necessery to get EMGS approval and please till me how much you pay
Yes emgs approval is mandatory I paid 2355rm
Ok. And how much time i take to give EMGS approval
I got in a week. You should ask to emgs why u didn’t get it. Where u checked through portal or website
I have appy yet. And told me one should we submite semester fee also to university or not in this semester
Yes we will pay during registration week. First u need approval letter from emgs
May I have your email address because sometime I want to reply on time but emgs portal doesn’t work
Which university?
I’m also new applicant from upm for masters degree in Mph which field would you like to study?
I am from PhD in English literature
@asma how much you paid for Val in pak rupees
96k approx
How 96k why
2356 rm
Why it hardly 1358 rm
Dnt know when I fill emgs application it shows this amount may be health insurance difference
Saeed posted a new activity comment 4 years, 6 months ago
Hi, dear @Asma, . I’m pleasure to meet you here. Of course, why not, my email address is: ######### . Best regards
or Create an account
Registration period will be started from 5 of October
It is necessery to get EMGS approval and please till me how much you pay
Yes emgs approval is mandatory I paid 2355rm
Ok. And how much time i take to give EMGS approval
I got in a week. You should ask to emgs why u didn’t get it. Where u checked through portal or website
I have appy yet. And told me one should we submite semester fee also to university or not in this semester
Yes we will pay during registration week. First u need approval letter from emgs
May I have your email address because sometime I want to reply on time but emgs portal doesn’t work
Which university?
I’m also new applicant from upm for masters degree in Mph which field would you like to study?
I am from PhD in English literature