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Active 7 years, 7 months ago
My application process is still 15%, and i already talked to instution about sumitted the Document in case of LOE. Why my application proceed is not move forward? How long does it take to give me the VAL letter ? My intake already start and i dont know when i should attend, please help me and let me know why the process is getting long ? View
Arash Nasab posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
What color is the bar? Tve duration varies depending on the situation but it could be done in 8 working days. Intake starts in September. Which university are you?
The color is yellow yet and I am studying in limkowing university.
You mean after 2 weeks later i can get the VAL letter ? If anything you need that i can
submit just tell me i will provide as soon as possible
Yes, im my case VAL was approved in 8 working days. I am not with EMGS to be clear, I am just another applicant.