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Active 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello I am Ammar from Algeria I am 26 years old. I have a master’s degree in finance and money. I want to register for a PhD study in Malaysia. I am interested in an Islamic economy or economy. What are the required registration procedures and requirements and the costs to pay? I am interested. I look forward to your reply. Thank you. View
ammar drs posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
ammar drs posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Brother you should speak with an agent who works with universities they’d tell you whatever you need to know. Here’s my agent’s number talk to him on whatsapp tell him you’re a friend of Kareem (me) and ask him what you need
His name is Mamoon. Good luck.
My Algerian brother , this is Abdelelah from Libya you can contact me for any help #########8782
Go to EMGS website. It has all the information you need together with a guide on how to apply. It is very informative and helpful! Good luck!
There are several universities that provide phd Islamic finance, i advise you to check
1) international Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
2) University Malaya (UM)
IIUM Doesn’t have many courses, only one semester of general courses then you can start with thesis
INCEIF has 12 courses before getting into thesis, but very strong…[Read more]