Active 1 year, 4 months ago-
Om posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago
My colleagues in UM
I have contacted my faculty and they provided me with links for online orientation for my course.
So if you can’t be in Malaysia for next week, then I advise you to contact them too through UM help link (siswa portal).Best of luck.
@a7m1st -
Om posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago
For those attending UM and are 35% green / yellow
I’m sorry to tag you all but I have an issue 😅After submitting the EMGS approval letter in MAYA portal, how long until they accepted it, and how long until self-enrollment button was shown??
I have submitted it and after 1 day it was accepted, but no self-enrollment option is showing.…[Read more]
Both self- enrollment and registration will start from 3rd october!
Once you register then the self enrollment option will show and you’ll be able to create your siswa mail as well..
You’ll have to wait till 3rd october-
But in accommodation declaration it is required to mention Siswa mail ID
What did you write there?
For accommodation declaration form; You can just create Enter your email, it says either Siswamail/Email.
For self enrolment (as in the maya portal before logging in, below click “read” on Undergrauate/postgraduate registeration schedule for semester I), self enrolment is available from 3 – 14 october for new students who are undergrad and post…[Read more]-
*You can just Enter your email
Ohh I didn’t know I can write my email.
Thank you
From which uni you are
University Malay
Yea as Sahreen said, you can self enrol and register from 3rd October onwards. Btw I put my normal email in the accommodation declaration form, I forwarded the declaration form to the guy multiple times and he finally replied saying it will take 14 days for him to send it to emgs apparently.
For real? I had mailed him regarding the submission as well but he replied back within 12 hrs stating that he’ll be submitting it soon. Did he give you a reason for the delay in submission?
Yea bro fr, he didn’t state any reason as to why it’ll take more time. I just hope this time he sends it to emgs, I’ve sent him the form multiple times but he never replied earlier, this time he did but yeah it’s gonna take 14 days.
Ah man. I hope he submits the Declaration form soon then. I’ll try contacting him again on Monday to see whether he has submitted it to EMGS yet
Yea bro hopefully he does it soon in sha Allah
Oh my goodnesss
14 days to only submit !!
Classes starting 17th-
Yes unfortunately, but that’s just in my case though for some reason, as for Mohammad Nofil, he said his form will be submitted soon so yeah it depends…
Also yea I forgot to mention, my passport got reissued as emgs had asked me to, so that could be a reason for the delay.
Hopefully they will submit all soon 🙏🏻
Yes In sha Allah
Hi. Did the person in charge say it will take 14 days for him to submit or 14 days for EMGS to update us once he submits? In my email reply he mentioned he will submit soon and EMGS will update in 14 days
Hi, he said it will take him 14 days to submit, but I will clarify with him again asap, but as I mentioned earlier my case is kinda different because my passport got reissued and the info is not yet updated by emgs so yeah..
@saud17 @amnea90 I received an email from the guy regarding the Declaration of Accomodation. It states “We sent the hardcopy document to you yesterday. Please wait within 14 working days.” What do you guys think he meant by sending the hardcopy to me yesterday? I have already emailed him regarding this but haven’t received a reply as of yet
Does he mean that he sent the document to EMGS and now you gotta wait 14 days? Because which hardcopy can he send to you? Could be a typo, maybe he meant “We have sent a hardcopy to emgs yesterday”
Yes I thought so. Maybe it is a typo. I’ll just have to contact EMGS as well to check whether they have received it yet
Yes I think the same, that he meant he already sent it to EMGS
Share with us whenever it’s green
Oh thats amazing bro! finally they submitted it, For me as of now its still yellow tho.
Thanks dude. Have you tried emailing the concerned person about this? You should ask him to submit the Declaration via email to the EMGS. He submitted mine via email today and my application was updated almost immediately.
Yes same with me, they got my documents
Tell me when they send it to immigration please, as of now it’s with EMGS. @nofil
Yeah bro, he said he will send it real soon. Also, I got a mail from emgs wherein they said that they have seen my amendment to change my passport details from the old one to the new passport. So In sha Allah once both the issues are sorted, it will turn green.
Hey Omnia!! Self Enrollment wouldn’t start before 3rd of Oct but that shouldn’t be a problem as you can submit the Declaration of Accomodation with your registered maya Email. Also once you’ve submitted the Declaration to the concerned UM authority wait for a day as they’ll confirm receiving your Declaration form. If you don’t get a response from…[Read more]
Thanks a lot
Hi Omnia from what faculty are you? ‘Cause I go to UM too. I already sent an email to my faculty regading the orientation, but they haven’t answered yet.
Did you try UM help desk?
Not yet, may I know what’s the email for UM help desk?
Check the mention
Can you send me the links for orientation
Hello Nour, the link they sent me is for faculty of education.
You can ask them to provide online orientation through UM helpdesk
Oh I thought they sent you the link for the general orientation (the one for all faculties )
It’s ok 🌹
Ok Thank you, I will contact them inshallah