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Active 4 years, 5 months ago
Hello EMGS,
I got my travel authorisation before the ban, since now the ban has been lifted, I tried getting an entry permit from the Malaysian mission in my country but they are asking me to get a new travel authorisation since the last one was before the ban. However, when I emailed emgs they told me there’s no expiry for travel authorisation […] View
aliizaan nathani posted a new activity comment 4 years, 5 months ago
aliizaan nathani posted an update 4 years, 5 months ago
Hello EMGS,
I got my travel authorisation before the ban, since now the ban has been lifted, I tried getting an entry permit from the Malaysian mission in my country but they are asking me to get a new travel authorisation since the last one was before the ban. However, when I emailed emgs they told me there’s no expiry for travel authorisation…[Read more]
May I know in which country’s embassy ur talking about?
I’m talking about Malaysian embassy in Pakistan.
Hi Aliizaan,
Please be informed that there is no validity for the travel authorization. The decision to issue you an entry permit is solely at the discretion of the Malaysian Mission in your home country. Therefore, if they require you to reapply a new travel authorization, you would have to follow their advise. We recommend that you seek…[Read more]