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Active 7 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone
I have a problem about application tracking.
I had submitted my application and chose to pay to institution but havent transffered the money yet, after that I submitted new application with another email because i found it will be more convenience if I use credit card and already paid the amount. I have already received the […] View
Alexander J posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Hello everyone
I have a problem about application tracking.
I had submitted my application and chose to pay to institution but havent transffered the money yet, after that I submitted new application with another email because i found it will be more convenience if I use credit card and already paid the amount. I have already received the payment…[Read more]
If yoy have submitted two appilcations using the same email address and WMGS account, they both should show under your EMGS account. Each application will have an # application number. Open each one of them and see which one shows INVOICE. That should be the one you have paid for. Next email both application numbers to EMGS and tell them plz…[Read more]