Active 5 years, 12 months ago-
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
samsul alam sajib posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
Yes, I am going on January 4
Saiful Islam did u apply for Postgraduate? Is the VAl processing on time?
Yes, I am going for PhD programme. I have applied for my val on 9 Nov.
Dear @fatema,what’s the condition of your val processing? did you apply
Its on 15 peecent. Though it says 1 to 4 working daysbit will take some time as its a govt holiday in malaysia today
Its on 15 peecent. Though it says 1 to 4 working daysbit will take some time as its a govt holiday in malaysia today
same here. I am stuck since 19 nov at 15%. where are you from? when did you appply
Oh I am from Pakistan If u are stuck from 19th u must wait till 26th november.
If the orientation is on 4th January when do we enter Malaysia?
yes.I am also worried about it.if your percentage increases,please inform me.
My one is also 70 percent Alhamdulillah!!! Congratulations!!
When arevu planning to visit Malaysia? ByDecembervor January?-
By december,inshaAllah. you??
Sorry brother to ask such a personal question and thanks for the information. Everything will be good.
In Sha Allah.-
Its ok, sister.I think you are senior than me.So, I should respect you.Pray for me. Which topic you are going for Ph.D?
So sweet of u brother. May Allah bless u. I am doing my P. H. D in IT and u?
Ok brother. I will inform u
Pls do inform me also when ur percentagebincreases ok?
Sure sister, what was the date when your val reached 15%?
It was on 19th brother. Butvsomeone here repliedbto my other postvthat it takes time with the docoment processing if any flaws. Eagerly waiting
Do you have any update today regarding your VAL?
No, what is ur percentage?
It’s 32% now
Great!! Mybone is 38 percent
what is written ther at the stage of 38%?
Approval of VAL
That means you got VAL.Congratulations. I am stuct at 35%.
Alhamdulillah, I got my VAL.It took 11 days after the submission of documents and payment. Many many thanks to EMGS.
As soon as I get by SEV. How manyvdays doesvit take. Do you know? If its done within 15th December ee can enter Malaysia right?
From which country,you are going to apply for SEV? it depends on the place of embassy. Where do you live? In our country, it takes 8-10 working days.
I live in Pakistan I also heard that from my country it takes 8 to 10 days. So it must be done by 10th December right?
Insha Allah, I hope so. when will you plan to go Malaysia. Did SEGI contact with you??
If I get my SEV by 10th I am planning to go to Malaysia within 16th to 20th December. What about u? When will u come?
did you apply for SEV? Where do you live in pakistan? I will come within 15 december insha Allah
I am from Islamabad. I applied for my SEV yesterday.
Let this come soon In Shaa Allah.
Then I will apply for a dependent visa for my husband after coming to Malaysia.
Are u married?
Will u apply for a dependent pass?
Do u know the procedure?-
Alhamdulillah. I am not married. Yes,you can apply for dependent pass.As far I know, it will take 2 months for the processing.In sha Allah, everything will be ok according to your plan.
Dear @fatema, unfortunately, I had a bike accident 4 days back.I am tensed about my recovery. Don’t what will happen in my life.
*don’t know what….
Brother its such a sad news. Please dont loose hope and just pray to ALLAH. How is ur health now? What did the doctors say? Don’t be tensed, If u have someone trustworthy who lives in Malaysia and with whom u can share ur details. Ask him/her to go to SEGI and talk on ur behalf. It will be given priority and they might help u with the…[Read more]
One of my relatives faced some health issues his email wasn’t given priority but when his brother’s daughter being a student in Malaysia talked to the university on his behalf they gave much importance and helped a lot. So maybe u can try this. And hope u have a recovery soon.
Did u email to SEGI?
I don’t have any familiar person who lives malaysia. I am trying to recover soon.but don’t know,what will happen? My clavicle has been fractured.May I get your email id or what’s app no, sister??
Clavicle fracture needs time to recover.
I know u are facing a hard time. May Allah bless u with fast recovery.
It would be really good if someone was there familiar to u in Malaysia. It could help u a lot. U can email me at
hfatema37@ gmail. com
If you are a new student then it would take 4 weeks to process. I got my passport after 15 working days from when EMGS received it.
Wait 7 days
Hi Samsul,
The application tracker will show you if your passport has been submitted to EMGS. The issuance of a Student Pass will take approximately 14 working days upon receipt.
Have a nice day.