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Active 6 years, 10 months ago
Dear emgs officer
My process still are remaining 15% since the 6th of March so how many days it will be take to reach 70% View
Suraj Amin U posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
That’s great man, we are already friends since we’re going to the same Uniform, however, what exactly do you need to know about VAL process/USM
Same University *
Okay, you just need to remain calm and keep monitoring your progress. I’m from Nigeria,
I will leave for USM September as well. What are you going to study? -
Environmental Biology
Yes I did, but that’s not important if you are attending public Uni
Thank you for responding, I have already received my VAL via email
What is USM, and what does application with 60% stand for
How many working days it took to reach from 35% to 60% ?
3 or 4 working days. mine was 35% then after 4 days became 60%
good luck
Hello how many working days it take to reach 60 % from 5 %
Because I haven’t pay the EMGS payment yet
you have to pay tp EMGS payments first to increase your persantage
@naser8928gmail-com, 3 working days