Thank you Smug p , i was one feb intakes who supposed to be in malaysia in february and my university issued a welcoming festival for international student and some staffs like that but due to some errors i am still in my home town and my class were mid februar but it appears they pre started it, some one in malaysia told me they were taking it, any way hope there be no more errors
me too 😫 waiting so long already
Every thing gonna be okey InshALLAH, just couple more days to go.
I got 35% last week Thursday hopefully i will get on this week pary all insha allah we will get this week 70%
You will get yours on Monday, mine only took 4 working days from 35% to 70
Thank you Smug p , i was one feb intakes who supposed to be in malaysia in february and my university issued a welcoming festival for international student and some staffs like that but due to some errors i am still in my home town and my class were mid februar but it appears they pre started it, some one in malaysia told me they were taking it, any way hope there be no more errors
Yea @kowther inshaALLAH i hope so.