a k posted a new activity comment 6 years, 10 months ago
It is bias.. They are BIASED against Nigerians in the most shameful way. They don’t even leave chance for appeal. so sad for you.. May Allah be with you
Why do they have to even randomly decline VAL in first place.. There seems to be bias in the approval process
a k posted a new activity comment 6 years, 11 months ago
Bro are you from African country? If so that may be the reason.. There seems to be done bias against certain region while for others it’s so easy.
Why does EMGS and immigration choose to frustrate certain foreign students? It’s just NOT FAIR
I agree, giving no reason is just NOT FAIR. Foreign students go through A LOT.. And trying to intentionally reject certain nationalities and frustrate certain propel from these regions is not fair too.
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