6cc510927918d1b20710dc4100422f4e posted an update 1 year, 5 months ago
Dear EMGS My name is Chen Ji,my Passport is EJ5836378,I missed two week of classes,Can you help me to put my progress of VAL. I have buy my fly ticket already. Thankyou
Dear EMGS I am so afraid that I miss to much class and I need 80percent attendance .
Dear EMGS I have already buy the tickets ,I hope that you can help me Thank you
Dear EMGS I have finished my choose of class and have already book the accommodation Please help me Thankyou
Dear EMGS please help me I am already buy my ticket but I am still in the 35
Dear EMGS please help me to put the progress of my VAL thank you
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I am so afraid that I miss to much
class and I need 80percent attendance .
I have already buy the tickets ,I hope that you can help me
Thank you
I have finished my choose of class and have already book the accommodation
Please help me
Dear EMGS please help me I am already buy my ticket but I am still in the 35
Dear EMGS please help me to put the progress of my VAL thank you