الأمين هف posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
Hello emgs , Its my application its stuck on 35% from 4-06-2019 alredy 25 days gone when it will be next step on aproved . Or if its got any correction then how i will know that .
It is recommended to send email with your full name and passport number to them and ask why it is late. They will answer you with full clarification.
Please be advised that the information you have provided is insufficient. Please email us your full name and passport number together with your enquiry to enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist you accordingly. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
or Create an account
It is recommended to send email with your full name and passport number to them and ask why it is late. They will answer you with full clarification.
Please be advised that the information you have provided is insufficient. Please email us your full name and passport number together with your enquiry to enquiry(at)emgs.com.my and we will assist you accordingly. Thank you.
Have a nice day.