Feasting after fasting in Ramadhan

Fasting month

Before the festive season of Hari Raya or Eid arrives, Muslims worldwide observes a month of fasting in Ramadhan. The month of Ramadhan is to commemorate the first revelation of the Holy Book of Quran to Prophet Muhammad. It is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar which last for 29-30 days. This annual observance is one of the Five Pillars of Islam which is why it is obligatory to all Muslims. During this time, all the Muslims will be fasting from dawn until sunset. So don’t invite your friends to eat during the day OK? You may invite them to feast for dinner instead!

Food Bazaars

The best part of the fasting season is that, many of the streets in Malaysia will be filled with lots and lots of FOOD bazaars! At this time you will be able to eat till you burst and the bazaars will be filled with so many local delights. You will be able to find assorted food items such as kuih (local sweets), drinks, rice, jellies, burgers, breads, kebabs, shawarma, assorted type of desserts and I am tired of listing it! I’m drooling already! Head on to any of your local bazaars near your area. Another fun part of fasting month is that these food havens are open every day for the whole month of Ramadan!

So you have been fasting and made yourself lose those few extra pounds? Or did you gain some extra pounds? Because I know there are so many bazaars throughout the whole month. Well let’s keep on adding that extra FAT! Whether you have successfully gained or lost that weight, brace yourself for more food! Yeah you heard me right. More F.O.O.D!

Selamat Hari Raya

After 30 days of fasting, it’s time to celebrate. It’s time for Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin! Don’t be surprised if you hear someone greet you with this at the end of June rather simply reply back and say Selamat Hari Raya to you too, buddy! Hari Raya refers to the Eid festival celebrated by all the Muslims around the world. This year, Eid season is just around the corner and will be colorfully celebrated by your Muslim friends on the 25th of June 2017 which is also the 1st of Shawwal in the Islamic Calendar.

The celebration continues for one whole month with season’s tradition of open houses and invites for MAKAN at home. It’s not only the season to celebrate the holy Islamic festive but it’s also a great time to enjoy famous local food and enjoy a nice bonding session with your friends, neighbours or a stranger that you just met!

Happy Eid everyone! OK, I just can’t wait to say that in a few week’s time. Don’t forget to pay your friends a visit during Eid as you will not want to miss all those delicious homemade local dishes. It’s also cooked and prepared with love and lots of excitement!

Home cooked food

Some dishes to look out for are rendang, lemang (sticky rice prepared in bamboo), ketupat (rice prepared in a diamond-shaped woven palm leaf), satay (grilled kebabs that go well with a spicy peanut sauce), cookies, cakes, jellies, coconut rice (nasi lemak), fried food and many more. The most popular dishes that you will definitely find at every house you visit will be the lemang, ketupat and rendang. These are some of Malaysia’s traditional local delights that are usually prepared during the Eid season. Some of the rendang even takes the whole day to cook! So don’t forget to try every single rendang that you can find at every single house that you visit!

Are you excited for this free food hunt? You should be, because Malaysia is filled with so many festive seasons and holidays. Hari Raya is just one part of the biggest festival celebrated in Malaysia. Wait till you see many other celebrations such as Deepavali, Chinese New Year, Christmas and Wesak day! Many more to come soon………….


  1. Kuganesh Jacker 8 years ago

    I cant wait to eat non stop🍉🍌🌮🍗🍚🍜🍨☕

  2. Ynnev Haon 8 years ago

    I feel hungry after reading this article

  3. Ali Gheni 8 years ago

    I love Nasi Goreng Ayam😘 feeling hungy after this post😁

  4. Ali Gheni 8 years ago

    I love Nasi Goreng Ayam😘 feeling hungy😁

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