Ismail Alhassan posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Dear EMGS we appreciate your effort for creating this platform and for simplifying things for applicants. However, please be inform that you are directly dealing with lives and destinies of people here. Rejection of VAL is the most traumatizing incidence that can happen to any applicant. Once applicant get rejected life becomes very hard and devastated. I am commenting on how Immigration handles appeal process, because you (EMGS) are our only voice. Normally, the whole VAL processes takes 2-3 weeks. But when at 35% and get rejected, life becomes a nightmare. To know the reason for rejection alone, takes 1-2 weeks. Then after appealing to get approval it takes like for ever. Please I want to appeal for speedy process at immigration, the stages has passed priliminary level. Life of people is at stake here. Some of us will begin lesson in January and they got stucked at “application in progress with immigration” Help us and do something about this. Let Immigration speed the appeal case accordingly. Thank you. Sincerely. Appealed Student.
Completely right
I agree, but we also need to consider the fact that they receive thousands of applications, they are trying their Best!
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Completely right
I agree, but we also need to consider the fact that they receive thousands of applications, they are trying their Best!