yes you have to leave in order to reapply for a new visa of the new university and don’t forget to make your old university provide you the release letter and the academic results and the attendance report cuz emgs will notify you and in order to not to make your application visa be delayed and all the best brother
Hello, you need to check with your new institution… There is one type of visa application called variation visa where u can apply when you change institution within 6 months. Please check with the visa department of your new university on steps that needs to be taken… And whether you can process your application while you are are in teg country.
yes you have to leave in order to reapply for a new visa of the new university and don’t forget to make your old university provide you the release letter and the academic results and the attendance report cuz emgs will notify you and in order to not to make your application visa be delayed and all the best brother
Hello, you need to check with your new institution… There is one type of visa application called variation visa where u can apply when you change institution within 6 months. Please check with the visa department of your new university on steps that needs to be taken… And whether you can process your application while you are are in teg country.
All the best
If you haven’t left already, then go to emgs and ask about the whole process and what papers needed from old university