Aaliah Rafee posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago
Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullah Wabarakatuh, I have applied for the Travel Authorization Letter in 2020, however I am unable to go. Now in 2022, I can’t renew the TA letter, may I know how to re apply?
TA is not compulsory now they stoped
Request the cancelation of the previous travel authorisation then apply for a new one.
May I know how to request for cancellation? Will it be through email?
Colleageus indicated that they submitted their cancellation request to EMGS through the email they originally registered with EMGS.
or Create an account
TA is not compulsory now they stoped
Request the cancelation of the previous travel authorisation then apply for a new one.
May I know how to request for cancellation? Will it be through email?
Colleageus indicated that they submitted their cancellation request to EMGS through the email they originally registered with EMGS.