
    • 1. Staying in Kuala Lumpur means you need to be on a quarantine plan either in a hotel or at home.
      2. Upon arrival, talk to the myeg personnel and explain to them the situation. See if they can give you the approval for quarantine at a relative’s house. What matters to them are: number of people in the house, number of rooms with attached bathrooms, number of elderly people, number of children and those with chrnoic diseases.

      Note: Some people travelling to Malaysia confirmed elsewhere that they got home quarantine approvals at the airport. However, note that the majority of them (if not all) happened to be Malaysians. Don’t know if this applies to you as well, but give it a try there.

      3. If they do not approve your plan, the only option will be to get hotel quarantine. In this case, you will have to apply for hotel quarantine through safetravel. There are officers from safetravel who can help you or alternatively you can at the spot make the booking using your phone browser.

    • i don’t think you’re allowed to leave the airport unless your layover is more than 24 hours. even then you definitely need to check with the relevant authorities since you need to quarantine regardless of whether you have a connecting flight since you want to exit the airport

      • Totally agree with you Mariam This is what I know. The confusion for Dua results from the word connected flight. Once a traveller has stamped their passport, any upcoming flight is a new trip not a connection. This means that any trip by plane afterwards must be made only after quarantine.

      • Ah I see. That’s what I was wondering. Whether or not I can leave the airport depending on my layover period.
        So basically, I will need to quarantine once I land in KL even though I’ll be there for a couple of hours.
        Thanks for all your help

    • Hi,

      Please be informed that we advise you to refer to the relevant authourities to assist you further with your enquiry. Thank you

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