
    • Hi Mohammed. In my case, I applied for visa renewal on October 28 and got the renewal approved after one month (90%). I did not wait for thr renewal so I applied for thr travel authorisation on November 3 and got it approved after 14 working days. Booked my ticket and quarantine on November 15.

      • Dear bro thanks for ye considetation…can you tell me the site for TA application,,,and what documents are need to upload….so,i will try without Val Approval because still mine is 50%,,,
        thanks a lot

          • Dear bro…
            When i am applying the part application info and main application Id is read only and not come up,what should i fo ??
            and for expect date of departure i put not exact date,is it true??
            many thanks

            • It is strange that the fields are read only. I did not have this problem. When I submitted the application, I mentioned an approximate date of departure. But mind you, the travel authorisation is valid for three months. This means that regardless of the date you mention, you have the option to travel at the time convenient to you.

              Additionally, after applying for the quarantine, I was told in email to tell them if I have changed the departure date at least 24 hours before the flight time. They ask for that to arrange for the hotel and the driver (in my case, the quarantine was at a hotel). Anyways, in order to get an answer to the issue of read only fields, it is preferable that you contact EMGS and provide them with your passport number. From my experience, the fastest way to get an answer was by phone during working hours.

              • Dear bro
                thecread only hass been settle i put my last passport number and down my new one..
                questionbis tharlt,the origin country is important or j?because i am flying frist to india then maybe from there i fly malaysia.
                is that tmTA with the name of origin country or jo??


                • Unfortunately, I don’t know. Anyways, surely it is important in your case to check if the third country you are going to is on the banned country list or not. Before you plan for the journey, if the country is not on the banned list, approach EMGS through email explaining the case to see what they have to say.

                • Dear bro
                  finally i applied TA thwn i recieved confirnation.
                  i hope same as your application it will accept without asking VAL.
                  already also my application to renew waiting submit passport,that mean i have to apply TA which i have done now.
                  may god bless you

                  • Dear bro
                    is it nesessary to inform university to accept TA or no??

                  • In my case, I informed the university and supervisor. I believe it is good to tell them. Not sure if this is compulsory, though.

                  • Thank you so much brother for your kind words and wish you the best of luck
                    I am already in Malaysia and am waiting for. The sticker. They told me I have to wait for two weeks.

                  • And Mohammed! Don’t forget my tips already posted in this forum. They asked me to provide a Malaysian phone number, for example, and I was a bit confused then gave them the number of the hotel. Once you unboard the plane you will have to scan with your phone a QRC and fill in an online application. They also asked me to provide the boarding pass so they document the seat number.
                    Bon voyage!

                  • Hello! Please update if you do receive TA, I’m also at 50% and would like to go back to Malaysia ASAP because half of my year is already over and the time differences are really a pain. Does it need to go to 90% to travel?

    • TA is applied directly through the EMGS. I don’t remember what documents they asked for thought. Once you click on the travel authorisation application, you will be promoted the documents to be submitted.

      • Very nice.i hope you will take yr passport as soon as possible..when you became surprise of my emgs message to submit i understand may be rule change for enter malaysia..i hop so rule became change insyallah…where are you from bro??you are doing help all as EMGS officer..really thanks

        • I am a PhD student from Jordan
          Regarding your other question, the annwer is too simple. Three years ago, I joined the forum here as a student of course and at that timeevery single person was helping the others in exchanging experience and encouraging each other until the Val or visa renewal is done. As you know, there are weekends and holidays where EMGS may not be available to answer questions not to mention the big load they have. So, what we students did was to exchange information so that we would proactively do the steps before we lose any time in our applications getting pending. That was the case three years ago, we still help each other here as you see, but the problem is that things have changed with the covid and uncertainties have increased. This is why almost everyone giving an answer is adding some probability words.

          Besides, it is logical that a student who is already in Malaysia now can be of great help to those who have not yet come. The help is in telling them what exactly happened to them so that the one asking a question gets a clue to where he goes or what to do.

          Before joining this application in 2019 I traveled to Malaysia just to discover that missed some documents so I had to exit the country, go back tou country and correct the situation. This is in addition to the fact that my green colored American dollar notebanks were not accepted leaving me almost stranded. Too. Much cost in money and time, and I would never wish this to happen to anyone else.

          • You remind you of those past days. There was a highly active and smart student giving highly accurate answers and we all thought she was an EMGS officer. Her name is Julia. People would tag her name when asking questions. Hope she got the degree by now. She was doing her master’s as far as I remember. Wish those beautiful days will continue with the new generations in this platform.

    • Hi,

      We are glad to assist you with your enquiry. However, in order to get all the details of your application, we would need to retrieve your record. To keep your details private and confidential please email us your full name and passport number at enquiry(at) and we will assist to check your application.

      Have a nice day.

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