Check the progress percentage and color. If green, there is no worry. If yellow, then it means your visa application is not processing any further awaiting documents from your university. In the latter case, you will have to call your university and urge them to immediately submit the required documents.
Please note that your application is pending additional documents. Your institution has been notified on the required document. Kindly liaise with your institution for further assistance.
Check the progress percentage and color. If green, there is no worry. If yellow, then it means your visa application is not processing any further awaiting documents from your university. In the latter case, you will have to call your university and urge them to immediately submit the required documents.
When I check, it’s green. If I check again, it’s yellow so I’m confuse. It’s still at 15%
Please note that your application is pending additional documents. Your institution has been notified on the required document. Kindly liaise with your institution for further assistance.
Thank you.