Afolayan Beckky posted an update 3 years, 4 months ago
Hi EMGS ..Please is it possible to apply for New travel autorization after getting one before . I just for my travel autorization ..But I I change my mind to travel By March 2022. Which Means my travek autorization would have expire before then.. can I start to reapply for another travel autorization letter now?
send email to emgs for cancelcing your old travel authorization then you can start to make new application for it
Kindly submit a cancellation request for your previous application. Once the application has been cancelled, you can reapply a new application.
Thank you.
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send email to emgs for cancelcing your old travel authorization then you can start to make new application for it
Kindly submit a cancellation request for your previous application. Once the application has been cancelled, you can reapply a new application.
Thank you.