Uzbekistan. Let’s keep in touch on Telegram. My link is @shshgaybullaev . Please contact with me for more conversation about Malaysia, Education amd etc… Thanks.
Yes you’re right but it means that offline classes may start in near future about in April I assume. What news from your side bro? Please share with us.
Where are u from bro?
Uzbekistan. Let’s keep in touch on Telegram. My link is @shshgaybullaev . Please contact with me for more conversation about Malaysia, Education amd etc… Thanks.
Yes you’re right but it means that offline classes may start in near future about in April I assume. What news from your side bro? Please share with us.
My one says same should I contact University about this.
Your application is pending additional documents. Kindly refer to your institution for further assistance.
Thank you.