imama 2u posted an update 4 years, 1 month ago
Hell hell helllllllllllllllllll what a hellllllllllllll dependants not allowed wow means I ll leave my infant alone and travel wow. Worst newsssss for us as an existing student againnnnnn . Stay happy Guys malaysia make us to be the most safest person on earth who wished to meet their families with their kids but no no no we cannot. Congratulations guys who are eligible to go back Malaysia. Have a good time EMGS and all. Goodbye
Sadest *
We understand your predicament. However, entry for dependants is still on hold. We will only be able to advise once there are further instructions from the relevant government agencies.
Have a nice day.
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Sadest *
We understand your predicament. However, entry for dependants is still on hold. We will only be able to advise once there are further instructions from the relevant government agencies.
Have a nice day.