Subul Rajput posted an update 4 years, 3 months ago
When will you open your eyes? Are your waiting for someone to kill themselves?
This is madness. You have put our hard work and mental health at risk. We worked so hard for scholarships when we don’t even get the recognition we deserve as International students when we pay the MOST amongst all . Will you finally be at peace knowing your lack of insight and responsibility has caused someone their life . Yes covid is a big deal But Malaysia isn’t even TRYING to control the second wave yet you guys don’t let us enter What does covid have to do with US We are not responsible for the rise in covid cases in Malaysia. How do u have the audacity to let ur own people go abroad and roam around like there’s no pandemic when u can’t let International students enter Hell , you don’t even have the decency to give us a proper answer. We are not ur servants and we are not illegal immigrants. Stop treating us as such .
All their forces just for us as international students!!!! They even can’t control their people and put a lot of promotion for them to travel in the new year holidays, despite a large number of pandemics!!!
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All their forces just for us as international students!!!! They even can’t control their people and put a lot of promotion for them to travel in the new year holidays, despite a large number of pandemics!!!