hasib khan posted an update 5 years ago
Hi I am in midst of visa renewal process and my percentage is currently on 50% in emgs as they have asked for my university to submit my passport. But since my visa had expired so my university has applied for a special pass for me so the passport has gone to the immigration for special pass endorsement. Can my university submit my passport along with emgs supporting letter directly to the state immigration office? this would take less time i believe and meanwhile my passport has gone for special, the emgs can continue its process normally and once done my university can be sent the supporting letter from emgs and my visa renewal can be done directly at the state immigration. This would save me time as i have to go back to my home country urgently in start of march. please advise me
Hi Hasib,
Kindly send us an email with your passport number in order for us to retrieve your application details and advise you accordingly.
Thank you.
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Hi Hasib,
Kindly send us an email with your passport number in order for us to retrieve your application details and advise you accordingly.
Thank you.