Angel Lala posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago
Hi EMGS I would like to ask you abou Vaccination card. Do you need it for val application? Or no need. I already did the examination medical report and I am free from all illnesses. Manal Alshehri Saudi Arabia V008024
Hello Angel Lala,
You are not required to submit the vaccination card for VAL application. Kindly download and fill up the Health Declaration form using the following link:
You may send the form to additionaldoc(at) and we will review the document. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
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Hello Angel Lala,
You are not required to submit the vaccination card for VAL application. Kindly download and fill up the Health Declaration form using the following link:
You may send the form to additionaldoc(at) and we will review the document. Thank you.
Have a nice day.