Kindly provide this explanation to your institution and request them to submit a supporting letter explaining in detail regarding the matter. Our EMGS officer will review the explanation. However please take note that the approval is at the discretion of EMGS officers. Thank you.
Please take note that the supporting documents should be submitted by your institution only. Kindly contact your institution and liaise with them regarding this matter. Thank you.
Hello Zaima Khan,
Kindly provide this explanation to your institution and request them to submit a supporting letter explaining in detail regarding the matter. Our EMGS officer will review the explanation. However please take note that the approval is at the discretion of EMGS officers. Thank you.
Have a nice day.
I submit supporting letter😭
Hello Zaima Khan,
Please take note that the supporting documents should be submitted by your institution only. Kindly contact your institution and liaise with them regarding this matter. Thank you.
Under Which university are you goin?
Inti international
For which course did you applied?