
  • Sokdy Lim posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    @johnf May I know if I can use ikad to fly to langkawi instead of my passport since I need to apply for student pass cancelation ?

    • Hi Sokdy Lim,

      The iKad can be used as an identification card for international students. However, you are still required to bring along your passport with you when you travel domestically.

      You are advised to return from Langkawi before you submit your passport to the institution for Student Pass cancellation.

      Thank you and have a good day.

      • How long does the process of student pass cancellation take place ? I am afraid that I might not get my passport in time to go back to my country since I have already booked my flight back to my country.

        • Hi Sokdy,

          It takes approximately 5 working days to process the Student Pass cancellation starting from the day we receive your passport. However, kindly take note the approval is at the discretion of the Immigration Department.

          • Can I use the copy set of my passport that is given after the submission and ikad to travel to langkawi since the trip is close to my departure date?

    • Hi Sokdy,

      You are required to bring along your original passport and iKad when you travel.

      Thank you.

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