Sanaul Haque posted an update 6 years ago
Anyone here knows how log will it take for the progress to move from 15% after receiving additional docs, my progress is 15% green since friday 😭
Hello Sanaul, from my experience it took me 5 working days to progress from 15 to 35%.
Helo sir, After 35% how long it takes until 100%? because my status still in 35% (30-1-19) and my learning started on 18 feb
Thank you sir for your information
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Hello Sanaul, from my experience it took me 5 working days to progress from 15 to 35%.
Helo sir, After 35% how long it takes until 100%? because my status still in 35% (30-1-19) and my learning started on 18 feb
Thank you sir for your information