fr. arbangi posted an update 6 years, 1 month ago
Dear EMGS Officer,
I am Fresti Arbangiati, C1348869
I have done to sent the photos which is in accordance with the requirements of https://educationmalaysia.gov.my/how-to-apply/passport-photo-guidelines.html/ But why it’s still not appropriate? The file name of the photo I sent is the automatic name that I got from the website. Thank you 🙂
Dears, sorry for comments here but I can’t post
Is it required to use the same photo of passport for the application ?
1) Please note that the subject in the photo in STARS is slightly different and not identical to the photo on the Details Page of the passport copy as per Photo Guideline No.1. The institute or applicant is required to submit a new photo for i-Kad processing. The institute can also reconfirm that it is the same applicant.
Dont think have to use same photo as passport as we are making passport years ago and it is imposible not to have slight changes on our appearances. Maybe emgs meant the photo must be free from any distraction such as inappropriate clothings, facial expression (grinning, smiling, etc) must be in neutral expression or wearing head accessories not for religious or medical reasons, or wearing specs. Maybe thats why they mentioned its not the same as passport photo.
Thanks, I called them they said that it is for university action and the employee checked the photo and said it is ok, I am worried if there is any pending action from my side!