eman sharaf addin posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I wanted to ask how many days does it take for the VAL to get ready?? My papers are now in the immigration, thank you.
You mean you’re at 40%?, if so then hopefully 5 days or less ..
It’s 35% now, and I have booked my flight ticket on 3rd/9, I’m worried if it takes longer and then I won’t be able to travel
They always say do not buy your ticket till they get the val, because when you get the val you need to apply for single entry visa (sev), but hopefully there is time for you 🙂
Inshallah, thank you so much..
No u can’t take ur flight, u should wait first then book ur flighy
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You mean you’re at 40%?, if so then hopefully 5 days or less ..
It’s 35% now, and I have booked my flight ticket on 3rd/9, I’m worried if it takes longer and then I won’t be able to travel
They always say do not buy your ticket till they get the val, because when you get the val you need to apply for single entry visa (sev), but hopefully there is time for you 🙂
Inshallah, thank you so much..
No u can’t take ur flight, u should wait first then book ur flighy