Nadia Sohail posted an update 7 years, 7 months ago
Got 70% now,what’s next plz tell me
Now wait for the Uni to send the VAL to you then come to Malaysia. (Use the VAL to apply for Visa from Malaysian Embassy, if you need to do that)
Plz tell me how??bcoz without VAL print how can I apply for SEV??
You can use the VAL soft copy for SEV
Got the point,thanks
Congratulation. How long did it take from 60 to 70%?
Same day
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Now wait for the Uni to send the VAL to you then come to Malaysia. (Use the VAL to apply for Visa from Malaysian Embassy, if you need to do that)
Plz tell me how??bcoz without VAL print how can I apply for SEV??
You can use the VAL soft copy for SEV
Got the point,thanks
Congratulation. How long did it take from 60 to 70%?
Same day