farsan posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago
Only 38% is done and is VAL approved, any idea how much longer it might take?
Your VAL has been approved and will be ready for download after 2-3 working days.
Your VAL is approved and ready for download use a pc to open emgs website and download it
Dear sir i have visited the website on my pc and there isnt such an option to download my val could you be kind enough to instruct me where it might be
Did you get reply and found procedure? Pl share
No the university said me to wait until 70% for the download button to appear and then approach the malaysian government
or Create an account
Your VAL has been approved and will be ready for download after 2-3 working days.
Your VAL is approved and ready for download use a pc to open emgs website and download it
Dear sir i have visited the website on my pc and there isnt such an option to download my val could you be kind enough to instruct me where it might be
Did you get reply and found procedure? Pl share
No the university said me to wait until 70% for the download button to appear and then approach the malaysian government